Global Expert on Self-leadership and
Developing Executive Leadership Teams

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Leadership Blog Guest - Andrew Bryant Speaker

Andrew Bryant is the Global Authority on Self-leadership. His latest book, The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results' is changing the conversation about leadership in a post-pandemic and digital world.

Andrew is a Catalyst for Change and has worked with disruptive Silicon Valley Startups and complex Multinationals. 

Andrew is an engaging keynote speaker who has spoken in over 30 countries. He also Coaches Executive Leadership Teams to Function, Collaborate, and Scale.

Andrew has appeared as a guest on many podcasts and some of the top ones are featured here:


The Leadership Hacker Podcast

"With great responsibility, and ownership comes great power. When we take ownership of our thinking, feeling, and actions, we start to influence our immediate environment and maybe the environment at large. We don't influence everything. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people that is life. However, the attitude, the mindset of can I be proactive? Can I offer a solution rather than sit there waiting for somebody else to fix it?

Anybody who runs a company or leads a team knows that they have drivers and they have some passengers and they know what they rather have more of."


The Leadership Hacker Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

Today, the rules of business have changed. How we define a workplace is evolving, as well as how we define a leader. On the Project HR Podcast, Andrew Bryant explains:

  • How leadership has changed, and why; Why his New Leadership Framework can significantly garner better results
  • What the Seven Principles of Modern Leadership are
  • The 12 different "plays" leaders can use to reach leadership goals!


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The Power of Self-Leadership: Unleashing Sales Leaders' Potential

Wendy Weiss interviews Andrew Bryant about self-leadership and Sales Leadership.


Unleashing Sales Leaders Potential Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

Deep Leadership Podcast

Jon Rennie served as a Naval Officer on Nuclear Submarines during the Cold War and has been leading industrial businesses for more than 20 years.  

Jon interviews Andrew Bryant developing leaders in a Post-Pandemic World


Deep Leadership Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

The New Leadership Playbook

Not only has Andrew worked across geographical locations and cultures, but he transformed and developed leaders across industries, including the airline industry, software and hardware companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, professional services, banking, finance, manufacturing, hospitality, and travel.

Tony Durso interviews Andrew Bryant on his Podcast.


Tony Durso Leadership Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

Join Up The Dots Business Podcast

Host, David Ralph discusses weighty subjects with  Self Leadership expert Andrew Bryant such as:

  • Why so many opinions in life should just be ignored and unless they are helping you build your future simply reject them.
  • Leadership Principles and why setting clear expectations is the key way to really getting the ball rolling in Life and in Business.
  • Andrew breaks down the differences between self-efficacy and self-confidence and why they make such a huge difference to our potential success.


Join Up the Dots Podcast with Andrew Bryant

James Taylor's Super Creativity Podcast

Keynote Speaker on Creativity James Taylor  – who started his career managing high-profile rock stars, interviews Andrew Bryant about The New Leadership Playbook and Expectations, Mindset, and Motivation.

As James and Andrew are both international speakers and friends, this is a fun podcast to listen to.


James Taylor Super Creativity Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

The Connected Leadership Podcast with Andy Lopata

Andy Lopata and Andrew Bryant discuss how to deliver results as a leader. They examine the value of good communication and the importance of understanding responsibility, accountability, and ownership. How to attract and retain talent; training and developing middle managers without making assumptions and being willing to see things differently.


the connected leadership podcast Andrew Bryantrew Bryant

Quest for the Best Podcast with Bill Ringle

Bill Ringle and Andrew Bryant discuss details of decisiveness, inclusiveness, and accountability as leadership plays that leaders of small and mid-size companies can use now.


Quest for the Best with Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

My Worst Investment Ever Podcast

STORY: Andrew invested heavily in a gym with the plan to offer service-based health and wellness. Low-cost gyms came up and swallowed his business.

LEARNING: Understand how to get in and out of a business, test your market first and know what your customers want, not what they need.


Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant Sunk Cost

Supply Chain Academy Podcast

Some of the highlights from the podcast:

  • Women's self-sabotage or self-limiting beliefs about getting to Senior level and C-suite leadership in supply chain
  • Success stories where companies have been successful in bridging the gap of female and male representation in leadership
  • How can males be a part of the movement of supporting and  getting more women into leadership
  • Creating a safe space for women inside the organization
  • Advice for all women starting their career


Alcott Global Leadership Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

Keep Leading Podcast

Eddie Turner sits down with Andrew Bryant to discuss his thought leadership around Self-Leadership. Andrew explains his work and his mission to “wake people up” to the power of taking ownership of their thinking, feelings, and actions.

“Self-leadership means that you, as an individual, decide exactly who you are and what you want. You write it down and make a plan – a goal – and you work on it every day. Self-leadership means that you expect complete responsibility for your results and outcomes. You don’t blame other people. You don’t make excuses. You are in charge.” Brian Tracy


Keep Leading Podcast Guest Andrew Bryant

Andrew speaks about Leadership, Self-leadership, Executive Presence, Influence Capital, and The New Leadership Playbook.

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Ron Kaufman

World's #1 Educator & Motivator for Uplifting Customer Service

"Andrew is a professional's professional who has grown in depth, maturity, and wisdom across the years. There is no shortcut to living a deeply committed life, caring enormously about others, and taking actions that challenge you to be the best you can be, and become even better over time."

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Michelle Duval

CEO, Founder, Footprint for Success

"I have known and witnessed Andrew Bryant since 2002; as a passionate and entertaining speaker, engaging and provocative trainer and coach, pioneering business leader, and as a devoted husband and father. Andrew has a rare talent of synthesizing relevance out of multiple disciplines and complex theories, ensuring learning is fun and efficient, yet deep and thorough."


"The New Leadership Playook is simply the best leadership I have ever read. It's not dense. It's not a long read.
It's just straight-up guidance from a respected coach on what it takes to be a great leader." 
Mariam Tariq, SVP Product & Marketing, Progress Software

Originally written as a book on communication, publishers asked Andrew to edit the book to be about flirting, "The art of making someone else feel good."

First published in 2012 this book defines self-leadership as "the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling, and actions toward your objectives."

Published in 2016 as a succinct summary of self-leadership strategies that can be easily digested and applied, this book became an Amazon bestseller.

Written during the pandemic and published in 2022 this book contains 7 leadership principles and 12 leadership plays (conversations) to achieve accelerated results.

Leadership Blog Posts from Andrew Bryant

The CEO and Executive Leadership Teamā€™s Role in Creating a Culture ...

Jul 31, 2023

What if AI and Self-leadership had a baby?

Jul 20, 2023

Self-Leadership: The Key to Enhanced Productivity in a Post-Pandemi...

Jul 12, 2023

Leadership Insight: Why Would We Follow You?

Jul 11, 2023

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